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What would you ask to the leaders of the EU energy transition?

Sunday. 27 May 2018

Calling all Energy Consumers: ask a question to the energy leaders involved in ETIP SNET Vision 2050!

ETIP SNET is a European initiative that gathers a large number of experts from around Europe whose role is to help define the future innovations and technological developments required to go towards an energy system with a growing share of renewable energies. Europe is preparing itself today to go progressively towards 100% share of renewables.

On 27 June ETIP SNET will release its Vision 2050 in an event in Brussels in the presence of the European Commission and the European Parliament as well as many industry and research experts active in the energy sector who are involved in making this transition happen.

On that occasion we would like to give the opportunity to EU citizens, as power or gas consumer, as prosumer maybe already producing energy from its solar panels, to directly express questions to these policy makers, industry players and researchers.

Feel free to ask them anything about how they intend to make this energy transition happen in Europe:
– Do you share the vision that by 2050 Europe can become a carbon-neutral circular economy by the year 2050? Meaning we will recover as much carbon as we produce?
– Do you see a role for yourself as an Energy Consumer in this energy transition we are going through?
– What would you challenge experts about the capacity of the EU to maintain and extend its global industrial leadership in energy ?
– Is Digitalisation the holy-grail to take control of your energy consumption?

How do I participate?

Please send us video-recordings (30 sec max) of your questions and remarks until Wednesday 20th of June to, you can record it in your own language and send us the text in English if you can!

Answers by the speakers will be streamed live online during of the event through Revolve Media Facebook page:

Thank you for your participation and please feel free to share!

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