On May 22, 2018, the members of the NSCG, the grouping of national actors (technology platforms, ministry representatives, funding agencies, research centres, and experts from regulators) linked to the ETIP SNET, will hold their 3rd meeting at the Nordic Clean Energy Week to exchange on how to better collaborate and coordinate innovation practices in various EU countries.
The meeting, which is due to take place in the context of the Nordic Clean Energy Week, will include an introductory session with updates on SET-Plan Action 4 and a preview of the ETIP SNET Vision 2050; followed by a discussion on “Regulatory Sandboxes”, including examples for concepts and first experiences from different countries. The afternoon sessions will include the latest updates and outcomes from ETIP SNET Working groups and a discussion on how SET-Plan Action 4 activities can be closely coordinated with international Smart Grids initiatives. The final part of the meeting will include a “Speeding up the change” session, to discuss the role of a mission oriented and needs driven approach for RDI projects.
A preliminary agenda is available HERE.
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