This week, the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) presents the short-term key priorities to enable the transition towards a reliable and sustainable European electricity system with a high share of renewables.
Amsterdam, 5th of October 2017, ETIP SNET – which prioritises research and innovation in smart networks and sector coupling, presented its Implementation Plan (IP) 2017-2020 during European Utility Week 2017 in Amsterdam. The IP is the result of a long and wide-ranging consultation process.
“The Implementation Plan is a comprehensive plan which can serve as a reference for all funding organisations (EU, national, regional and even global) interested in short-term R&I priorities for all system and market aspects of the energy transition enabled by smart networks and sector coupling”, said Konstantin Staschus, ETIP SNET Chairman, today while presenting the IP at the European Utility Week 2017 in Amsterdam.
Over the last year, more than 200 ETIP SNET members, through various working groups, took part in the IP’s elaboration. In a second review phase, the paper also gathered nearly 70 responses from all stakeholders of the energy system via an online public consultation. This makes it a widely recognised report by all the actors of the energy transition.
The following four key priorities, which R&I projects, should focus on in the future are identified via 39 different “topics”:
- High-Renewable Energy Sources (RES) And Empowered End-User Energy System: Governance and Market Design.
- Digitalisation of the Energy System
- Integrated Grid with improved interfaces between Energy System Components
- Improved components of the Energy System.
A more in-depth explanation of the content of the ETIP SNET’s IP 17-20 will be available to the general public during a one hour Webinar hosted by Leonardo Energy on the 9th of October at 15h00. It will provide viewers with the opportunity to ask questions directly to ETIP SNET Chairman Konstantin Staschus and technical Project Coordinator Sophie Dourlens-Quaranta.
The Implementation Plan can be downloaded HERE
A briefing on the Implementation Plan can downloaded HERE
About the ETIP SNET
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) role is to guide research, development and innovation to support Europe’s energy transition with innovation for the transmission and distribution systems. These systems form the technical and market platforms where clean electricity generation, empowered customers, storage technologies, smarter grids and interfaces to gas, heat and transport networks make the energy transition happen in secure and affordable ways.
Contact: Marie Latour ; info@etip-snet.eu ; Tel: +32 (0) 473 89 63 74
A PDF of this Press Release is available HERE
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