The ETIP SNET call for experts launched at the end of January attracted over 440 applicants! The Working Group Chairs and the Executive Committee (ExCo) has since then been carefully reviewing every application to ensure that its 5 Working Groups are balanced and involve the best experts from around Europe to define Europe´s RD&I priorities towards Energy Transition. It was decided to select 200 experts as firect and full members and another 200 as observers. The experts come from a wide range of organisations and research institutions with an interest in the energy sector and have been allocated to Working Groups specialized in the following topics:
WG1: Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid system addresses business and technology trends contributing to the overall energy system optimization at affordable investment and operation costs. 35 experts were selected to take part to this group. More information on WG1 and the list of full members here
WG2: Storage technologies and sector interfaces addresses the technological and market developments related to energy storage solutions to ensure the required level of flexibility for the transmission and distribution of electricity. 35 experts were selected to take part to this group. More information on WG2 including the list of full members here
WG3: Flexible Generation considers the latest business and technology trends to address the needs for flexibility in the framework of an integrated energy system. 27 experts were selected to take part to this group. More information on WG3 including the full list of full members here
WG4: Digitalisation of the electricity system and consumer participation addresses the use and impact of the Information and Communication Technologies as a pervasive tool along the entire value chain of the power generation, transportation and use. 60 experts were selected to take part to this group. More information on WG4 including the full list of members here
WG5: Innovation implementation in the business environment adopts a helicopter view on R&I projects and promotes their uptake by the industry so as to ensure Europe’s energy transition. 42 experts were selected to take part to this group. For more information on WG5 including the full list of members here
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- – Attend ETIP SNET related public events that will be announced in the “Events” section of the website.
- – Apply to future Working Groups call for experts when they will reopen.
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