From 23 to 25 November 2021 the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) Conference bought together for the third time SET-Plan initiatives and funding networks in the field of energy systems and system integration.
On the Policy Conference of the 23rd, moderated by Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult, JPP SES Support Team) ETIP SNET chair Jan Okko Ziegler (Enel Global Infrastructure) together with ETIP SNET collaborator Michele de Nigris (RSE) took the stage to present the National Stakeholder Coordination Group (NSCG) - a group that provides a sounding board and exchange platform for national R&I stakeholders in the area of energy systems and networks; and discuss on how to optimally tackle EU-wide and global challenges.
You can view the recording of the session here below:
The full documentation of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems Conference 2021 can be found on the Smart Energy Systems ERA-Net website
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