The European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) aims to guide research, development, and innovation to support Europe’s energy transition. This process monitoring report aims to assess the advancement of European research and innovation (R&I) projects in relation to the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap and the ETIP SNET Implementation Plans. The current report is a follow-up of the previous progress monitoring report published in 2018.
The 10-year ETIP SNET Research & Innovation Roadmap 2020-2030 provides the system view to the entire energy transition by addressing a scope with smart electricity grids as its backbone but going beyond: It also encompasses interactions with the gas and heat networks, and with electric mobility, and focuses on integration of all flexibility solutions into the power system, including energy storage technologies (sector coupling).
The structure of the Progress Monitoring Report is fully aligned with the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap and ETIP SNET Implementations Plans structure and uses Research Areas and Research Topics to organise the defined R&I priorities and identify the R&I activities that should be performed with priority. The upcoming Implementation Plan will propose R&I priorities covering the period 2022-2025.
The progress monitoring activities that led to this report aim to capture the recent progress of R&I within the ETIP SNET scope made especially over the years since the last monitoring report in 2018. The focus is on progress in European R&I, as the legal framework makes this more applicable than R&I progress in other parts of the world, and since in comparison, the European energy transition is further advanced than that in most other regions. The objective of the progress monitoring activities is threefold:
- To analyse the state of research and innovation in the field of smart grids and sector coupling for the energy transition in Europe.
- To measure the coverage degree with regards to the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap and to identify gaps in R&I that require additional attention or funding to adhere to the ETIP SNET R&I Roadmap and Implementation Plans.
- To identify promising technologies and innovations for commercialisation within a period of five years.
The methodology developed for the report is based on four distinct sources of information. Together, these sources cover a broad spectrum of Research and Innovation projects in the European energy transition. These sources are:
- BRIDGE R&I Priorities report
- National R&I reports
- Questionnaire shared with individual R&I projects
- ERA-NET SES Smart Energy Systems
Progress monitoring of European R&I priorities is an essential activity to assess the progress towards a decarbonised energy system and to shape future R&I efforts accordingly.
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