Location: Vaasa Energy Week, Vaasa, Finland
DO NOT MISS the opportunity to join the 17th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop on Tuesday, 21 March (09:00 – 16:15 GMT+2), which will take place in Vaasa within the scope of the Vaasa EnergyWeek in a hybrid format (Physical participation is highly advised).
The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn about R&I projects around Europe and contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities. The workshop will take place within the Vaasa Energy Week, which every year gathers energy enthusiasts from all over the world to share information, hear about the latest news and most interesting cases, extend their networks and do business. The Workshop is organised in co-operation with the Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre (VEBIC).
The overall purpose of this event is to learn more about national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) and how and if they are aligned to the RDI activities on the EU level and, specifically, to the ones identified in the ETIP SNET Implementation Plan 2022-2025 and that will be the base of the High Levell Use Cases in the updated ETIP SNET Roadmap that will be published in the next few days.
To that end, the ETIP SNET invited the representatives of national and regional funding and support programmes from Northern Europe (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) that will meet and discuss together with the EC, national funding authorities and ministries about RDI priorities and next funding programmes.
The Vaasa EnergyWeek focuses on renewable energies, smart energy, gas energy and energy storage. Topics of interest include digitalization, batteries and storage, circular economy, future smart cities, energy regulation, business and innovation.
Are you Interested in joining?
Are you a representative of a university, technology centre, energy utility, distribution or transmission system operator, technology or service provider, funding authority, national or regional ministry, regulator, national or regional technology platform?
Are you active in the field of Smart Grids and integrated Smart Energy Systems & Markets? Storage and conversion among energy carriers? Interfaces between electricity and heat, cooling, gas and transport? Digitisation? Flexible thermal and renewable generation? Flexible energy consumption? Prosumer and customer participation?
Then, kindly fill in the following registration form.
Please note that we can accept only a limited number of registrations, and the principle “first comes, first served will be applied”.
Check out the agenda