Work Group 3 addresses the business and technology trends considering the contribution of generation flexibility from conventional thermal power plants (bulk and distributed), and of the innovative technologies and solutions in thermal-based high efficiency generation systems (e.g. micro-CHP, industrial co-generation), heat distribution (e.g. district heating), storage and the optimization of the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) capabilities to contribute to reach a secure, clean and reliable energy system network storage to address the needs for flexibility in the framework of an integrated energy system.
RES should significantly contribute to a more stable operation of the future energy system, allowing a growing percentage of renewable sources to substitute traditional dispatchable generation.
WG3 will address the different technologies and solutions of the flexible generation (including conventional power plants, embedded storage and fuel cells) and variable RES optimisation from a technological, environmental, economic, regulatory and acceptance points of view.
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WG3 Papers: