Location: Iberdrola Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub, Bilbao, Spain
Workshop conclusions and recommendations
The ETIP SNET Regional Workshops aim at learning more about national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) and how and if they are aligned to the RDI activities on the EU level and, specifically, to the ones identified in the ETIP SNET Implementation Plan 2022-2025 and that will be the base of the High Levell Use Cases in the updated ETIP SNET Roadmap, expected by mid-February 2023.
To that end, for the 16th Regional Worksop, the ETIP SNET has invited the representatives of national and regional funding and support programmes from Western Europe (Spain, France, Portugal, Ireland and the UK) that will meet and discuss together with the EC, national funding authorities and ministries about RDI priorities and next funding programmes.
The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn about R&I projects around Europe and contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities.
The meeting will take place at Iberdrola premises and will include a visit to Iberdrola’s Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub and Smart Mobility Lab.
Key conclusions and recommendations of this event will be released soon and will serve as a base for further analysis and discussion with policymakers at European, national and regional levels.