Following the ETIP SNET session at CIGRE Paris Session in September 2022, 5 of its distinguished experts publish an article about electromobility and the power grids.
The paper “The interaction of electromobility with the power grids”, written by ETIP SNET experts, Antonio Iliceto, Santiago Gallego, Joao Abel Peças Lopes, Luis Lopez, Ning Zhang, and Nikos Hatziargyriou, has been published on ELECTRA, CIGRE’s digital magazine. The publication summarises the views of the 5 distinguished experts that were presented at the Special Panel Session entitled "The interaction of electromobility with the power grids", organized by ETIP SNET at the CIGRE Paris Session in Paris on 2nd September 2022.
The publication can be retrieved on the webpage of the latest edition of ELECTRA.
The transportation sector is responsible globally for around 25% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a result, international policies have set specific strategies for a cleaner transportation sector; e.g., the EU 2030 Climate Target Plan set the ambitious target to reduce GHG emissions by 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 values), and imposed this reduction on all transportation sectors (road, aviation, naval). Such goals have led to a significant increase in Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the higher availability of EV-charging options. The deployment of a large number of EV chargers will significantly increase the load of the network, and uncontrolled charging of EVs could provoke significant issues for the grid, which would require major infrastructure reinforcements. Smart charging and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) approaches can mitigate these impacts and, moreover, exploit the flexibility potential of these new loads for better use of RES and more efficient planning and operation of the energy system.
In the paper the views of CIGRE, ETIP SNET, IEA and other organizations, as expressed by their representatives are provided and key messages are highlighted.
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