Monday. 19 July 2021
Check out the ETIP SNET updated BrochureAs ETIP SNET transitions to a new phase, the new Brochure update provides a general overview of the latest organisational structure of the platform, related network, working groups and outlines its key priorities. Created by the European Commission, the European Technology Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP…

Friday. 16 July 2021
ETIP SNET at CIRED 2021ETIP SNET chairman Jan Okko Ziegler will speak at two sessions of the 2021 online edition of the CIRED conference taking place from the 20th to 23rd of September, The 26th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution will be hosted virtually this year, providing anyone the opportunity to attend. Chairman Jan…

Thursday. 15 July 2021
Watch the 12th ETIP SNET Regional WorkshopThe European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP SNET) held its 12th Regional Workshop as part of its mission of guiding Research and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition. You can now watch the recording of the event online and download the presentations. The 12th Regional Workshop took place on the…

Thursday. 15 July 2021
ETIP SNET at EUSEW 2021 with session on ElectromobilityThe EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place on 25-29 October 2021 under the theme: ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’. In collaboration with AIOT, EDSO and ENTSO-E, ETIP SNET will participate in a session “Electric Vehicles and the Future of the Power System” that aims to discuss the challenges and…

Wednesday. 09 June 2021
ISGAN Annex 6 & ETIP SNET WG1 Task Force on Flexibility for Resilience workshopThe ongoing collaboration between ISGAN Annex 6 & ETIP SNET WG1 on the topic of Flexibility for Resilience is gaining momentum with a dual workshop held on the 1st of June 2021. The workshops, divided into two parts, involved a large amount of interaction and engagement, gathering a total of 40 participants from ETIP…

Thursday. 03 June 2021
Register for the 12th ETIP SNET Regional WorkshopThe European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP SNET) opens registration for its 12th Regional Workshop as part of its mission of guiding Research and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition. Are you a representative of a university, technology center, energy utility, distribution or transmission system operator,…

Friday. 21 May 2021
10th InnoGrid edition: “Living the transition” (webinar)Jointly organized by the Association of the European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), this 10th edition of InnoGrid will take place online and will be focused on ‘Living the Transition’.On 4 June (Day 1) experts will address among others the…

Thursday. 20 May 2021
Norela Constantinescu from ENTSO-E elected as ETIP SNET Vice-ChairDuring the ETIP SNET Governing Board meeting of the 6th of May, Norela Constantinescu has been elected as ETIP SNET Vice Chair. Norela Constantinescu is leading the research and innovation team of European Networks for Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). She also leads the work of drafting ENTSO-E R&D…

Tuesday. 18 May 2021
Open Call for Energy Transition Projects to be presented at ETIP SNET 12th Regional WorkshopEvery year the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition organises a series of Regional Workshops where EU, nationally and regionally funded projects can present their achievements and contribute to the debate on energy transition. ETIP SNET has now launched an OPEN CALL FOR PROJECTS…

Thursday. 06 May 2021
Watch the recording of “Digitalization of Batteries for Smart Energy and Transport Systems” WorkshopYesterday, the “Digitalization of Batteries for Smart Energy and Transport Systems” online workshop took place, co-organised by Batteries Europe, ETIP SNET, and EGVIA, and supported by the European Commission.The workshop attracted over 180 participants. The speakers invited (Maher Chebbo, Ctechnologys/Digitalization Task Force Chair of…