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Working Group Webinars

ETIP SNET WG1 and WG4 Webinar: Smart networks, brighter future - key takeaways from ETIP SNET latest research

Date: 23.04.2024

Participants can expect to learn about the latest ETIP SNET publications, in two keynote presentations on: 

  • Optimisation and coordination of hydrogen use in the energy system, and related impacts on the grid. 
  • Identified opportunities, challenges and necessary actions for the rapid deployment of a common European Energy Data Space. 

Each presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session, where attendees will have the opportunities to engage with the energy experts. 


Hydrogen’s impact on the grid – representatives from ETIP SNET WG1 on Reliable, economic and efficient energy system 
A. Iliceto - Terna 
N. Souza e Silva - R&D Nester 
N.Samovich - Enercoutim 
S. Gallego - i-DE (Iberdrola) 

Energy Data Spaces – representatives from ETIP SNET WG4 on Digitalisation of the electricity system and customer participation 
A. Monti - RWTH Aachen University 
E. Boskov Kovac - Blueprint Energy solutions 
N. Samovich - Enercoutim 

Click here to read the minutes and highlights of the webinar.


ETIP SNET WG3 Webinar: Flexible generation in a low-carbon RES dominated energy system

Date: 30.06.2020

This webinar describes the pathway forward in flexible power generation, starting with the state-of-the-art covering all means of energy sources, and suggests the necessary steps to achieve a safe & robust low-carbon RES dominated energy system in the future.


  • Christian Bergins – Strategic Marketing Manager with Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe
  • Dr Georgios C. Christoforidis – Professor at University of Western Macedonia
  • Peter Stettner – Head of Market Strategy at Andritz Hydro

Download the webinar slides here.

Click here to view the webinar.


ETIP SNET WG1 Webinar: Sector Coupling – concepts, potentials and barriers

Date: 24.06.2020


  • A comprehensive overview on concepts & definitions setting an overarching frame for assessing sector coupling initiatives
  • An unbiased description of state-of-the-art & development potentials of Power-to-X technologies and processes
  • ETIP SNET and the role of WG1; White Papers on Sector Coupling
  • Why sector coupling?
  • Framing and conceptual components of sector coupling
  • Power to Heat & Cooling, to ElectroMobility, to Gas & Fuels
  • Takeaways on perspectives and assessment criteria

Download the webinar slides here.

Click here to view the webinar.


ETIP SNET WG2 Webinar: Storage, Technology, Markets and Economics

Date: 22.06.2020


  • Yves Schlumberger – ETIP SNET Board member and WG2 Chair, EDF R&D Storage Program Chief
  • Luigi Lanuzza – ETIP Batteries WG6 Chair, Head of New Technologies at Enel X
  • Mark Howitt – Storelectric CTO and co-founder
  • Enrique Morgades Prat – Head for Market Development CIRCE
  • Etienne Sorin – EDF R&D Expert Stockage
  • Silvia Bodoardo – Professor at Politecnico di Torino
  • Ramon Gero – R&D Engineer at Instituto Tecnologico de la Energia, ITE
  • Michael Willemot – CFO Business Development, Oxto Energy
  • Mark Howitt – CTO & co-founder of Storelectric
  • Youlong Ding – Professor at University of Birmingham

The presentations are available to download here, scroll down.

Click here to view the webinar.