The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2024 has come to an end. ETIP SNET along with BRIDGE were featured prominently with IWG4 and ETIP Hydropower and ETIPs Forum in a joint stand at the Energy Fair.
The EUSEW is the largest annual conference bringing together diverse groups of experts and innovators, public authorities, private companies, NGOs, EU project partners, researchers, consumers and other stakeholders working on Europe’s smart and sustainable energy transition. This year, EUSEW was focused on the theme: “Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe”, marking the 18th edition of this event. Established in 2007 by the European Commission, EUSEW is organized by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) in close collaboration with the Directorate-General for Energy.
From ETIP SNET Sergio Olivero, WG5 Chair, was one of the keynote speakers at the policy conference session Less is more? An overview of sufficiency policies to reduce emissions and increase quality of life on June 12th, which delved into results, impact quantification, and National Energy and Climate Plan recommendations. On June 13th, Laurent Schmitt, co-Chair of WG4, participated in the panel discussion on Interoperability and sovereignty: sharing a European energy data space, together with representatives from energy data space projects and the smart energy expert working group.
The joint stand offered the opportunity to showcase the latest achievements and results of BRIDGE and ETIP SNET, creating a space for discussion and knowledge sharing among external visitors and the members of the two initiatives.
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