Location: Brussels
You can download the following presentations from the Brussels Workshop:
Introductory Session
0. Welcoming Words – Cédric Brull & Frederik Loeckx
1. Introductory Speech – Menno Janssens
2. Horizon Europe – Michela Marasco
4. ETIP SNET Introduction – Norela Constantinescu
5. Innovation Implementation in the Business Environment – Alexander Von Jagwitz
Session 1
0. WG1 Introduction – Gilles Tihon
1. The Rural Intelligent Grid Project – Marcin Delegacz
2. The IMES Project – Portia Murray
3. The Microgrid Services for Local Energy Communities Project – Wim Cardinaels
Session 2
0. WG2 Update – Cristina Gomez Simon
1. The Smart Grid Battery Storage Project – Wolfgang Vitovec
2. The Smartwater Project – Patrick Hendrick
3. The Industrial Waste Heat Utilisation Project – Richard Gurtner
Session 3
0. WG3 Update – Pascal Fontaine
1. The iCarus Project – Frank Kreuwel
2. The FlexIgnite Project – Christian Bergins
3. The InduStore Project – Héloïse Hoyos
Session 4
1. The eSafeNet Project – Padraic Mckeever
2. Test of Blockchain for settlement of decentralized flexibility – Loic Tilman