Location: Zagreb Croatia
You can download the following presentations from the Zagreb Workshop:
Introductory Session
0. Welcoming Words – Lovorka Barac Lauc
1. Horizon Europe Presentation – Feilim OConnor
3. ETIP SNET Introduction – Nikos Hatziargyriou
Session 1
1. WG1 Update – Gareth Bissell
2. NEDO Project – Gregor Omahen
3. LivinGrid Project – Gareth Bissell
4. Projects for Smartening the Greek Islands – Nikos Hatziargyriou
Session 2
1. WG2 Presentation – Claire Lajoie-Mazenc
2. Husahagi Wind PP Battery Energy Storage System – Georgios Argyris
3. EVBASS Project – Hrvoje Pandzic
4. StoRES Project – Venizelos Efthymiou
5. SUCCESS Project – Tomislav Capuder
Session 3
1. WG3 Presentation – Michael Ladwig
2. uGRIP Project – Hrvoje Pandzic
3. Living Lab Campus Savona – Mansueto Rossi
Session 4
1. WG4 Digital Energy – Elena Boskov Kovacs
2. SUCCESS Project – Mihai Sanduleac