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Tuesday. 29 October 2019

European Utility Week BtoB Meetings on 12 November 2019

Coinciding with the start of EUW 2019, the Brokerage Event organised by l’Alliance Smart Energy French Clusters (SEFC)  and Enterprise Europe Network is an international matchmaking activity providing a unique opportunity to have a series of 20 minutes, pre-scheduled B2B meetings according to your interests and goals, with…


Friday. 25 October 2019

WEBINAR: How ETIP SNET is tackling the technical challenges of the energy transition

Watch the recording of the Engerati webinar featuring ETIP SNET Vice chair Maher Chebbo speaking about how ETIP SNET is tackling the technical challenges of the energy transition Webinar Overview The European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) created by the European Commission bring together a multitude of stakeholders and experts…


Friday. 25 October 2019

Renewable energy companies promote SET Plan at meeting with France’s Ministry of Ecological and Solidary Transition

On 23 October, a delegation of six companies met Cyril Forget, Deputy head of Cabinet of Elisabeth Borne (Minister for Ecological and Solidary Transition) to discuss EU funding for research and innovation in clean energy technology. Mr Forget was accompanied by Nicolas Clausset. • Groupe Bouygues (Fabrice Bonnifet Directeur Central…


Wednesday. 16 October 2019

The InnoEnergy CommUnity Days – Berlin 25-27 October 2019

For passionate sustainability and energy transition supporters, entrepreneurs and innovators there is an inspirational event called “The CommUnity Days – TCD”. It is the 3-day flagship event of the InnoEnergy CommUnity taking place in Berlin (NH Berlin Potsdam Conference Center) on 25-27 October. This event will be an exclusive event hosting…


Friday. 27 September 2019

ENTSO-E’s Guido Guida takes chairmanship of ETIP SNET

On July 2019, Guido Guida, Member of ENTSO-E’s Board of Directors has started his chairmanship of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for the Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) platform. He succeeds Nikos Hatziargyriou, member of EDSO’s board of directors, who has been Chairman of the ETIP SNET since…


Wednesday. 25 September 2019

Two new ETIP SNET “Energy Stories” on energy transition projects released!

The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) is continuing its series of short stories on successful energy transition technologies to inform citizens and facilitate their involvement in the European energy system of the future, with 2 new stories on the Elsa and …


Tuesday. 24 September 2019

BRIDGE events during second half of 2019

Many events are organized in the second semester of 2019 for BRIDGE, and this will be the occasion to highlight the results of the different tasks started after the last General Assembly in March. First event will concern the Task Force Energy Communities, led by Leen Peeters and Ludwig Karg. Members of the Task Force will reunite in Brussels at…


Tuesday. 17 September 2019

Register now for ETIP SNET’s Western & South-eastern Regions’ Workshop in Paris

The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) in collaboration with Pôle MEDEE, Systematic and Think Smartgrids will host this year’s second regional workshop – covering the western and south-eastern region, on November 14-15 in Paris, France. The…


Thursday. 12 September 2019

SMARTSPEND Survey: an analysis of the energy industry’s funding needs

SMARTSPEND – an EU project that aims to find new ways to coordinate and increase investments in clean energy technology Research & Development; is to launch a survey to provide an outlook of the industry’s funding needs. ETIP SNET stakeholders are encouraged to take part! To begin the process, different industry players are invited to…


Monday. 09 September 2019

REGISTER for Upcoming SmiLES project Webinars on the Maximisation of Renewables in Europe’s Energy Mix

The Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for Maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe’s Energy Mix (SmILES) project will be hosting two webinars on the 25th of September and 2nd October.   1. Webinar on Integration of energy storages – best practices for modelling, simulation and optimization Energy…
