Tuesday. 10 April 2018
RealValue Project Final Event 17th May 2018The three-year RealValue EC funded Horizon 2020 small scale energy storage and demand side management project is coming an end in May 2018. RealValue commenced in June 2015 and is a €15.5m European energy storage project funded by Horizon 2020, the largest Research and Innovation Programme in Europe (€12M funding from the EC). RealValue…

Monday. 09 April 2018
UtiliNet Europe 2018, 15-17 May 2018, BrusselsThe 4th annual UtiliNet Europe 2018 draws together 100+ utility telecom and cyber-security professionals for 3 intensive days of packet telecom implementation reviews. 14+ case studies reveal how European TSOs and DSOs are future-proofing their telecom networks to ensure high levels of reliability and cyber security as the migration from SDH to IP…

Thursday. 05 April 2018
Portugal breaks 100% renewables mark but remains isolatedPortugal produced more power from clean energy sources in March than it actually needed, marking the first time in the 21st century that renewables have topped 100% of its production. But a dearth of energy connections with the rest of Europe remains problematic. Increasing renewable energy capacity is one of the key pillars of the Energy Union…

Thursday. 29 March 2018
New energy market reports show surge in wind energyThe European Commission’s latest reports on gas and electricity markets, which cover the last quarter of 2017, have just been published, containing a wide range of data about supply and usage of electricity and gas in the EU. The electricity market report confirms that over the last few years electricity consumption in the EU has…

Tuesday. 20 March 2018
€200 million EU funding for cross-border energy infrastructureThe European Commission is making €200 million of funding available for projects in the areas of electricity, smart grids, cross-border carbon dioxide network and gas infrastructure, as part of the first call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Energy in 2018. The money is intended for projects that will…

Tuesday. 06 March 2018
Innovation in Solar Building Skins & Energy Efficiency Towards Sustainable Buildings – 19th & 20th March 2018The conference organized in Berlin on 19th and 20th March 2018 is part of a series of European conferences and workshops in the field of Energy Efficiency in buildings and cities with a focus on innovation in solar building skins / building integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), as well as related to areas such as smart grid, storage of…

Tuesday. 06 March 2018
Innovation in Solar Building Skins & Energy Efficiency Towards Sustainable Buildings – 19th & 20th March 2018The conference organized in Berlin on 19th and 20th March 2018 is part of a series of European conferences and workshops in the field of Energy Efficiency in buildings and cities with a focus on innovation in solar building skins / building integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), as well as related to areas such as smart grid, storage of…

Monday. 05 March 2018
SET-Plan Steering Group has endorsed the Implementation Plan of SET-Plan Action 4 “Increase the resilience and security of the energy system”.In March 2017, interested Member states/Associated countries, stakeholders and European Commission held the kick off meeting of the SET Plan temporary working group (TWG) on Optimised EU power grid/ Integrated local and Regional energy systems. This TWG chaired by national representatives from Austria and Italy met regularly during this year to…

Friday. 02 March 2018
QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF PV SYSTEMS – Annual Conference of the ETIP for Photovoltaics – 3 May 2018, BrusselsThe photovoltaic (PV) sector has overall experienced a significant growth globally in the last decade, reflecting the recognition of PV as a clean and sustainable source of energy. Quality of PV projects, systems and components are primary factors in enabling sustainable growth in PV installations. When assessing the investment-worthiness of a PV…

Tuesday. 20 February 2018
National Webinar Series: ETIP SNET and Think Smartgrids, FranceThe European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition will host the second in the series of National Webinars in collaboration with Think Smartgrids, the French Smart Grids Association on March 22, 2018. The National Webinar Series is dedicated to the presentation of national and regional platforms and…