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Thursday. 05 October 2017

ETIP SNET Implementation Plan: Setting Europe’s research priorities for a smarter Energy Transition

This week, the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) presents the short-term key priorities to enable the transition towards a reliable and sustainable European electricity system with a high share of renewables.  Amsterdam, 5th of October 2017, ETIP SNET – which prioritises…


Wednesday. 04 October 2017

Registration for South-Eastern and Northern Regional Workshops to open soon!

Mark your agendas: the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition will organize 2 more Regional Workshops until the end of 2017. Four more Workshops planned for 2018. As with the previous ones in Aachen and Lisbon, the workshops aim to present national and regional R&I projects of significant added…


Tuesday. 03 October 2017

WEBINAR: Ensuring European Energy Transition: key research and innovation actions needed for the next 5 years

ETIP SNET chairman Konstantin Staschus and Intensys4EU technical project coordinator Sophie Dourlens to present ETIP SNET Implementation Plan through 2nd free real time webinar course on 9 October 2017. The Leonardo Energy initiative will hold a second free ETIP SNET Webinar session entitled “Ensuring European Energy Transition: key…


Monday. 02 October 2017

Workshop Presentations from ETIP SNET Central and Western Region available online

ETIP SNET, in collaboration with regional partners E.ON Energy Research Center, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and EDP Distribuição held its first two successful workshops in Aachen, Germany and Lisbon, Portugal in September. Together they gathered over 220  participants from all over Europe to share knowledge on local…


Tuesday. 26 September 2017

European Roadmap Electrification of Road Transport 2nd Edition

The European Roadmap on the “Electrification of Road Transport”, recently published jointly by the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC, EPoSS and ETIP SNET (namely its predecessor ETP Smartgrids), provides background information and R&D&I roadmaps for the electrification of the different vehicle categories. It has been the…


Monday. 25 September 2017

First Clean Energy for EU Islands forum: an integral part of Europe’s energy transition

EU islands have enormous potential to benefit from the clean energy transition and become front runners in it: this was the broad consensus that emerged from the inaugural Clean Energy for EU Islands forum today (22 September) in Chania, Greece. After opening speeches from Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and European Commissioner for…


Thursday. 21 September 2017

EASE-EERA Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap Launch Event

On Wednesday 18 October 2017 from 16:30 until 18:00 the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) and the Joint Programme on Energy Storage (JP ES) under the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) will present the: EASE-EERA Technology Development Roadmap on Energy Storage 2017 Update The…


Tuesday. 19 September 2017

Renewable Energy Sources To Account For 85% Of Global Electricity Production By 2050

Renewable energy sources will provide 85% of global electricity production in 2050, led by solar PV and onshore wind, according to a new report published this month. Electricity consumption will be the largest energy carrier in 2050, increasing by 140% over the next 30 years, followed by natural gas, while other energy carriers such as coal and…


Monday. 18 September 2017

ETIP SNET’s Tour of Europe: Energy Transition in practice

ETIP SNET which prioritizes research and innovation in smart networks and sector coupling, is launching a full tour of Europe with regional workshops in 4 different European cities. Aachen, Lisbon, Larnaca, Riga will be centres of attention of European actors of the energy transition within the next 4 months. Over 400 experts from across Europe…


Thursday. 07 September 2017

ETIP SNET and BRIDGE to be showcased at European Utility Week in Amsterdam on 3-5 October 2017!

About European Utility Week European Utility Week (EUW) is the premier landmark event in Europe for the entire smart utility sector, accumulating over 12,000 international smart energy stakeholders and 600 exhibitors. It is a dynamic and energizing 3-day business, innovation and information platform in the form of a conference-led exhibition.…
