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Saturday. 10 June 2017

ETIP SNET Webinar: For an Innovative and Successful European Energy Transition

ETIP SNET chairman Konstantin Staschus and project coordinator Eric Peirano presented ETIP SNET through a free real time webinar course on 8 June. The Leonardo Energy initiative held a free ETIP SNET Webinar session entitled “ETIP SNET: For an innovative and successful European energy transition” on 8 June. In this webinar – hosted…


Friday. 09 June 2017

ETP 2017 maps major transformations in energy technologies over next decades

The global energy system is changing. More people are connecting to the grid as living standards improve around the world. Demand for consumer appliances and electronic devices is rising. New and innovative transportation technologies, such as electric vehicles and autonomous cars are also boosting power demand. The International Energy Agency’s…


Thursday. 01 June 2017

Save the Date: Energy Info Days 2017

This year the Energy Information Days will present the new funding opportunities and innovative schemes offered by Horizon 2020’s Work Programme 2018-2020. Applying for funding is a competitive process, and only the best project proposals will be selected. If you would like to know more about the type of projects we will be looking for, save the…


Wednesday. 24 May 2017

ETIP SNET and BRIDGE at the EUSEW 2017!

A number of ETIP SNET members as well as participants in the BRIDGE initiative will be partaking in various activities during European Sustainable Energy Week 2017 in Brussels. The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a week-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. It brings together public…


Wednesday. 17 May 2017

Data Management Models in Smart Grids: An Evaluation

The three models for data management for smart grids in Europe:The discussion about digitalization, big data and data management has finally reached the electricity sector. Today, we want to focus on the latter issue again, data management. Last week, we introduced the data management models that are currently discussed in Europe and North…


Tuesday. 09 May 2017

Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewables

On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. Part of that day (during the long May 1 weekend), 85% of all the electricity consumed in Germany was being produced from renewables such as wind, solar, biomass, and hydroelectric power. Patrick Graichen of Agora Energiewende Initiative says a combination of…


Wednesday. 03 May 2017

ETIP SNET to organise four Regional Workshops across Europe in 2017 to facilitate knowledge transfer

In 2016 the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition formally launched its activities. As part of its mission of guiding Research, Development and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition, ETIP SNET will organize 4 Regional Workshops per year over the course of the next 4…


Thursday. 27 April 2017

EUR 800 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure

The European Commission is releasing €800 million of funding for projects in the areas of electricity, gas and smart grids infrastructure. The projects will strengthen the EU’s internal energy market, enhance security of energy supply, and help provide clean, sustainable energy for Europe.  The 2017 call for proposals under the …


Thursday. 20 April 2017

SEDC Report 2017: Explicit Demand Response in Europe – Mapping the Markets

The empowerment of consumers is increasingly recognised as a central driver of the energy transition, enabling a cleaner, healthier and cost-effective energy system. The report maps the progress of Member States in enabling “explicit” Demand Response, reviewing the regulatory structures of 18 countries: 16 EU Member States, plus Norway and…


Friday. 14 April 2017

Have your say on proposed oil and smart grids projects for Projects of Common Interest list

A public consultation has opened on energy infrastructure projects in the areas of oil and smart grids that have been submitted to the European Commission as potential Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). To receive PCI status, a project must be considered essential for completing the EU’s internal energy market and…
