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Thursday. 16 March 2017

Making the energy transition possible – All network codes approved – Celebration event coming up

Today member states approved the last of the eighth network codes – the Balancing Guideline. Read more…

Tuesday. 14 March 2017

Eleven EU countries hit 2020 renewable energy targets

In 2015, the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in the EU reached 16.7%, nearly double the figure for 2004 (8.5%), the first year for which the data are available. Read more…

Monday. 06 March 2017

New approach for matching production and consumption of renewable electricity promotes large-scale integration of solar and wind power

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is coordinating the BALANCE project, which brings together leading European research institutes in the field of electrochemical conversion. The project aims to demonstrate a technology that enables flexible storage of large amount of renewable power. Read more…

Sunday. 26 February 2017

Enabling Variable Renewables and Driving Down Emissions, with Electric Vehicles

At a media frenzied event last March, electric car manufacturer, Tesla, unveiled its Model 3. Priced to compete with conventional fossil-fuelled vehicles, it attracted over 325,000 reservations within a week. Read more…

Monday. 20 February 2017

Insights gained from INCRESE project on challenges of decentralized electricity systems shared in Hands on Manual for DSOs

Future decentralized electricity systems will pose additional challenges for existing market actors, including DSOs. New technologies, innovations and business models are being tested in a variety of EU funded projects. Read more…

Monday. 20 February 2017

Insights gained from INCRESE project on challenges of decentralized electricity systems shared in Hands on Manual for DSOs

Future decentralized electricity systems will pose additional challenges for existing market actors, including DSOs. New technologies, innovations and business models are being tested in a variety of EU funded projects. Read more…

Thursday. 02 February 2017

How to plan for the expansion of Solar and Wind energy

Spurred by ambitious national commitments, international agreements and rapid technological progress, governments are increasingly choosing renewable energy to expand their countries’ power infrastructures. Read more…

Friday. 27 January 2017

Significant Growth Expected in Energy Storage Deployments in Emerging Markets

A new report commissioned by IFC and ESMAP finds that energy storage deployments in emerging markets are expected to grow 40 percent annually over the coming decade, resulting in about 80 gigawatts of new storage capacity. This will be a significant increase upon the less than 2 GW of capacity currently in place. Read more…

Wednesday. 18 January 2017

New Research & Innovation Roadmap Smart Networks for Energy Transition: 2.5 billion euros investment in R&I over next 10 years to help manage Europe’s Energy Transition

This week the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) presents long term key priorities to enable the transition towards a reliable and sustainable European electricity system with very high shares of renewables. Overall the roadmap estimates that 2.5 billion euros investments in Research and…


Thursday. 12 January 2017

How the Internet of Things empowers intelligent energy storage

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a major technological phenomenon. In fact, there will be 24 billion internet-connected devices online by 2020. Individuals, businesses, and governments alike are learning about what it means to live in a technologically integrated society created by the IoT. Read more…