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Tuesday. 11 April 2017

ETIP SNET discusses the future of Europe’s energy landscape

ETIP SNET held its fifth Governing board meeting and first National Stakeholders Coordination Group Meeting to discuss the implementation of Europe´s Energy Transition. Among the many sessions held on the 27th and 28th of March in Brussels, the ETIP SNET Governing Board offered an update on the activities of the ETIP SNET Working Groups, who…


Monday. 10 April 2017

Old Coal Mines Could Have A Future In Green Energy Storage

Germany continues its transition from coal to renewables thanks to some clever engineering Energiewende (energy transition). That’s the name of the German government’s ambitious goal to transform their energy landscape over the next few decades. By 2025, they want 35-40% of their electricity to come from renewable energy sources. By 2035,…


Thursday. 06 April 2017

Salt, silicon or graphite: energy storage goes beyond lithium ion batteries

Technologies that use gels, liquids, and molten silicon or salt could all claim a slice of the growing renewable energy storage market Between the political bickering following a spate of blackouts in South Australia and the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeting that he had a fix, and then the South Australian government…


Monday. 03 April 2017

Renewables cut Europe’s carbon emissions by 10% in 2015, says EEA

European Environment Agency reports solar and and wind is reducing fossil fuel dependency but clean energy capacity still not growing fast enough A surge in the use of wind and solar energy helped Europe to cut its fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by about 10% in 2015, an authoritative new report has found. Energy…


Friday. 31 March 2017

Renewable energy in Europe 2017: recent growth and knock-on effects

Addressing climate change requires a globally coordinated, long-term response across all economic sectors. The 2015 Paris Agreement provides the framework for limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and for pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Early in this process, the European Union has…


Friday. 24 March 2017

ETIP SNET selects over 200 experts to take an active part to its Working Groups

The ETIP SNET call for experts launched at the end of January attracted over 440 applicants! The Working Group Chairs and the Executive Committee (ExCo) has since then been carefully reviewing every application to ensure that its 5 Working Groups are balanced and involve the best experts from around Europe to define Europe´s RD&I priorities…


Friday. 24 March 2017

BRIDGE: fostering knowledge-sharing among Smart Grid and Energy projects

The coordination team behind ETIP SNET launches sister project BRIDGE to foster continuous knowledge sharing among Smart Grid and Energy Storage projects The INTENSYS4EU (INTegrated ENergy SYStem) project is a coordination and support Action group supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. As well as acting as general…


Monday. 20 March 2017

Deep energy transformation needed by 2050 to limit rise in global temperature

Limiting the rise in global mean temperature to well below 2°C would require an energy transition of exceptional scope, depth and speed, according to an analysis by the International Energy Agency, including a doubling of annual average energy-related investments from current levels. As recent IEA estimates show, global energy-related CO2 …


Monday. 20 March 2017

Commissioner Arias Cañete in Berlin to participate in Energy Transition Dialogue

Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete will today participate in the 2017 edition of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue. The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue brings together key international decision-makers in energy policy, industry, science and civil society as well as foremost energy experts from all over the world…


Friday. 17 March 2017

Europe’s energy future: Looking towards the digital TSO

IT and digitalisation will underpin the future TSO business, says new ENTSO-E Secretary General Laurent Schmitt in an interview with Engerati. Read more…