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19/06/2019: Interactive Workshop – Defining the ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030

19/06/2019: Interactive Workshop – Defining the ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030
09:00 - 16:00 (CEST)

Location: Brussels

Event type: Face-to-face,Multistakeholder Events

On the 19th of June 2019, an interactive ETIP SNET Workshop for “Defining the upcoming ETIP SNET Roadmap 2020-2030” was held in Brussels in parallel to the EUSEW. Experts with an interest in ETIP SNET Working Group activities and willing to shape future European research priorities in those fields were invited to attend.

One of the core activities of the ETIP SNET in the year 2019, is the definition of the next RD&I roadmap (2020-2030) – on Energy System Integration Actions with enablers, objectives, project types/priorities and roles.

To create a wider consensus on this proposed new ETIP SNET roadmap, the workshop gathered views from stakeholders related to energy system integration needs and how to describe them so that the right RD&I integration actions will take place.

The aim of this Interactive Workshop was to discuss the ETIP SNET Roadmap V1.0 while keeping in mind the complementary, more detailed integration actions of the upcoming ETIP SNET Implementation Plan 2020-2023.

Download the Workshop Proceedings HERE!


ETIP SNET Core Team Presentation – Rainer Bacher

ETIP SNET Core Team Presentation – Michele de Nigris

ETIP SNET Working Group 1 Presentation – Antonio Iliceto

ETIP SNET Working Group 2 Presentation – Yves Schlumberger

ETIP SNET Working Group 3 Presentation – Michael Ladwig

ETIP SNET Working Group 5 Presentation – Venizelos Efthymiou

EASE: ETIP SNET Roadmap – Yves Schlumberger

EDSO: ETIP SNET Roadmap – Gareth Bissell

ENTSO-E: ETIP SNET Roadmap – Norela Constantinescu