Wednesday. 21 December 2022
The paper “The interaction of electromobility with the power grids” by ETIP SNET experts published on ELECTRAFollowing the ETIP SNET session at CIGRE Paris Session in September 2022, 5 of its distinguished experts publish an article about electromobility and the power grids. The paper “The interaction of electromobility with the power grids”, written by ETIP SNET experts, Antonio Iliceto, Santiago Gallego, Joao Abel Peças Lopes, Luis Lopez, Ning Zhang,…

Tuesday. 29 November 2022
The ETIP SNET and BRIDGE featured at ENLIT Europe 2022 in FrankfurtThe ETIP SNET and BRIDGE made a key contribution to the organisation of the EU Project Zone and the related policy and project sessions at ENLIT Europe, the 3-day conference this year hosted in Frankfurt and devoted to collaboration and innovation to solve the most pressing energy-related issues. The ETIP SNET and Bridge played a crucial…

Wednesday. 09 November 2022
The ETIP SNET attended the 16th SET Plan conference, “Towards a new Strategic Energy Technology Plan” within the framework of the ETIPs FORUMThe ETIP SNET took part together with the ETIPs FORUM in the 16th SET Plan conference, “Towards a new Strategic Energy Technology Plan”. The ETIP SNET has attended, within the framework of the ETIPs FORUM, the 16th SET Plan conference, “Towards a new Strategic Energy Technology Plan”, hosted on 9-10 November in Prague, Czech Republic. Over the…
Friday. 02 September 2022
ETIP SNET Panel at CIGRE Paris Session on the interaction of electromobility with the power grids9:30 – 11:30 (CEST) Location: online and at CIGRE Paris Session, Palais des congrès, Meeting room 352AB. To attend either in person or online, you need to register. In this panel, the latest relevant reports from the ETIP SNET and CIGRE and ongoing initiatives will be presented and debated. Professor Nikos Hatziargyriou will moderate the panel…

Monday. 29 August 2022
Attend the CETPartnership Transition Initiative 1 Online Presentation!Join the Online Event to discover more about The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) Transition Initiative 1 (TR1) and hear the presentation of its Call Modules on integrated energy system. The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) will launch its first annual Joint Call in September 2022. CETPartnership…

Wednesday. 06 July 2022
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) will officially launch its first call in September 2022!The call will address outstanding challenges for a European sustainable energy future, organised along seven Transition Initiatives (TRIs). An estimated total budget of over 100 million euros will be made available to boost and accelerate the energy transition. The TRI 1 (European net-zero emissions energy system, characterised by the deep…
Wednesday. 11 May 2022
Register for the 14th ETIP SNET Regional WorkshopLast days to register to the European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Network for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET) for its 14th Regional Workshop as part of its mission of guiding Research and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition. DO NOT MISS the opportunity to join the 14th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop…

Monday. 25 April 2022
Watch recording and read the main takeaways of the ETIP SNET webinar on the R&I Implementation Plan 2022-2025On 6th April 2022, a webinar was hosted to officially launch the last ETIP SNET publication, the R&I Implementation Plan (IP) 2022-2025 and outline the research priority needs for these next four years.One of the main goals of the ETIP SNET is to draft Roadmaps (RMs) and Implementation Plans (IPs), which are regularly updated. The RM 2020…

Saturday. 23 April 2022
ETIP SNET HLUCs webinarsThis series of three webinars will provide a detailed explanation of the nine High Level Use Cases (HLUCs) and the related Priority Project Concepts (PPCs) introduced in the latest ETIP SNET publication, the R&I Implementation Plan (IP) 2022-2025. Each webinar will cover in-depth three HLUCs grouped across similar topics. HLUCs are…

Friday. 28 January 2022
It's all about flexibilities - Join the FlexCommunity kick-offWith the FlexCommunity, the EU H2020 projects edgeFLEX, FEVER and Platone are introducing a platform to collaborate with other projects and stakeholders that work on exploiting flexibilities in the energy system. The goal of the FlexCommunity is to create a bigger impact by joining forces. We want to: gain a comprehensive understanding of the…