Location: Finland
You can download the following presentations from the Helsinki Workshop:
1. Welcome: VTT – beyond the obvious – Tuula Mäkinen
2. Introductory Words – Pia Salokoski
3. Horizon Europe Presentation – Alexandra Kronberga
4. ETIP SNET Introduction – Maher Chebbo
Session 1
2. FASaD Project – Kjell Tutvedt
3. Kurzeme Ring Project – Antons Kutjuns
4. Energy Sector Development and Economic Sustainability Analysis – Neringa Radziukyniene
Session 2
1. WG2 Update – Seppo Hänninen
2. InteGER Project – Henrik Landsverk
3. Sello Smart Energy System – Anssi Laaksonen
4. Suvilahti Battery Energy Storage System – Kristiina Siilin
5. CEDREN-HydroBalance Project – Michael Belsnes
Session 3
2. Finnish Solar Revolution Project – Seppo Valkealahti
3. DGNET Project – Stig Fretheim
4. The-Neocarbon-Energy-Project-Christian-Breyer
Session 4
2. Arrowhead Project – John Lindström
3. CLOUDGRID Project – Michael Calder
4. Flexibility Services Platform Project – Kalle Kukk
5. TAKE-5 Project – Seppo Horsmanheimo